Google Inc.

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Group ID398 ID151
DescriptionAmerican multinational technology company; specializes in Internet-related services, products
Parent org
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{"id": 151, "type": "entities", "links": {"self": ""}, "attributes": {"id": 151, "name": "Google Inc.", "blurb": "American multinational technology company; specializes in Internet-related services, products", "types": ["Organization", "Business", "Public Company"], "aliases": ["Google", "Google Inc."], "summary": null, "website": "", "end_date": null, "parent_id": null, "extensions": {"Org": {"name": "Google", "revenue": null, "employees": null, "name_nick": "GOOGLE", "fedspending_id": "132274", "lda_registrant_id": "320510"}, "Business": {"aum": null, "assets": null, "marketcap": null, "net_income": null, "annual_profit": null}, "PublicCompany": {"ticker": "GOOG", "sec_cik": 1288776}}, "start_date": null, "updated_at": "2021-12-26T23:49:46Z", "primary_ext": "Org"}}

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linkGoogle Inc. gave money to Federalist Society Donationnullnullnullnullnull

Affiliated Individuals

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File Photo Name Region Role
ID Image Name Description State/Country Known members
Google Inc. Google NetpacGoogle's PAC0
Google.orgCharitable arm of Google0
Slide, Inc.Online application for social networking websites0
YouTubeA popular video sharing site, now owned by Google.0
Nest Labs, Inc.Nest Labs is a home automation company headquartered in Palo Alto, California0
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