2020-21 Coup d'Etat against the United States

DescriptionA multifaceted attempt to ensure Donald Trump's retention of office as President of the United States via illegal means, including: conspiracy with foreign powers to influence the election; tampering with elections; sedition.


January 6th 2021 Putsch at the United States Capitol
Conspiracy with foreign powers to influence 2020 election
Tampering in federal elections, 2020
Organization of fraudulent electors in 2020 federal election
Georgia Election Racketeering

Persons of Interest

File Photo Name Case Status Jurisdiction Charges
Chesebro, KennethUnindicted co-conspiratorUS DOJConspiracy
Clark, Jeffrey BossertUnindicted co-conspiratorUS DOJConspiracy
Eastman, John CharlesUnindicted co-conspiratorUS DOJConspiracy
Giuliani, RudolphUnindicted co-conspiratorUS DOJConspiracy
Powell, Sidney KatherineUnindicted co-conspiratorUS DOJConspiracy
Roman, Michael A.Unindicted co-conspiratorUS DOJConspiracy
Shry, Abigail JoArrestedUS DOJTerrorist threats
Trump, Donald JohnIndictedUS DOJConspiracy
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