Organization of fraudulent electors in 2020 federal election

DescriptionThe Trump fake electors plot involved a scheme devised after the 2020 United States presidential election by president Donald Trump and his allies in seven key states to create and submit fraudulent certificates of ascertainment that falsely asserted Trump had won the electoral college vote in those states. The intent of the scheme was to pass the fraudulent certificates to then-vice president Mike Pence in the hope he would count them, rather than the authentic certificates, and thus overturn Joe Biden's victory. This effort was predicated on a false legal theory devised by Trump attorney John Eastman and others, which claimed the vice president has constitutional discretion to swap out official electors with an alternate slate during the certification process, thus changing the outcome of the electoral college vote and the overall winner of the presidential race. This scheme came to be known as the Pence Card.
Parent context2020-21 Coup d'Etat against the United States

Persons of Interest

File Photo Name Case Status Jurisdiction Charges
Alston Latham, Cathleen
Amick, Mark
Bachenberg, Bill
Barletta, Lou
Berden, KathyChargedState of Michigan
Bobb, Christina GabrielleIndictedState of Arizona
Bowyer, Tyler IndictedState of Arizona
Brannan, Joseph
Brunner, Carol
Buestrin, Mary
Carlson, Darryl
Carroll, James
Carroll, Tom
Carver, Brad
Chesebro, KennethUnindicted co-conspiratorUS DOJ
Chesebro, KennethUnindicted co-conspiratorState of Arizona
Chesebro, KennethChargedState of WisconsinForgery
Choate, Hank ChargedState of Michigan
Christian, Ted
Coccodrilli, Chuck
Comfort, Bernadette
Cottle, Nancy IndictedState of Arizona
DeGraffenreid, James IndictedState of Nevadaoffering a false instrument for filing and uttering a forged instrument
DeMarco, Samuel III
Diaz-Myers, Marcela
DiEsposti, Christie
Downey, John
Eastman, John CharlesUnindicted co-conspiratorUS DOJ
Eastman, John CharlesIndictedState of Arizona
Ellis, Jenna LynnIndictedState of Arizona
Epshteyn, BorisIndictedState of Arizona
Facchinello, Amy ChargedState of Michigan
Feehan, Bill
Ferro, Josephine
Finchem, Mark Unindicted co-conspiratorState of Arizona
Fitzgerald, Scott
Ford-Tinnin, Anissa
Frost, Clifford ChargedState of Michigan
Garcia, Lupe
Gerow, Charlie
Giuliani, RudolphUnindicted co-conspiratorUS DOJ
Giuliani, RudolphIndictedState of Arizona
Godwin, Gloria Kay
Grabins, Edward Scott
Grot, Stanley G.ChargedState of Michigan
Haggard, John ChargedState of Michigan
Hall Fisher, Carolyn
Hanna, David
Harley, Kevin
Hennessy, Mark W.
Henry, Mari-Ann ChargedState of Michigan
Hindle, Durward James IIIIndictedState of Nevadaoffering a false instrument for filing and uttering a forged instrument
Hitt, Andrew
Hoffman, JakeIndictedState of Arizona
Hoopes, Leah
Jones, Burt
Kern, Anthony T.IndictedState of Arizona
Khare, Ash
Kiernan, Kathy
King, Timothy ChargedState of Michigan
Lamon, Jim IndictedState of Arizona
Law, Jesse IndictedState of Nevadaoffering a false instrument for filing and uttering a forged instrument
Lundgren, Michele ChargedState of Michigan
Maddock, MeshawnChargedState of Michigan
Maestas, Debbie W.
McCoy, Andre
McDonald, Michael J.IndictedState of Nevadaoffering a false instrument for filing and uttering a forged instrument
Meadows, Mark RandallIndictedState of Arizona
Meehan, Shawn IndictedState of Nevadaoffering a false instrument for filing and uttering a forged instrument
Montgomery, Robert IndictedState of Arizona
Moody, Daryl
Moorhead, Samuel I.IndictedState of Arizona
Patton, Lisa
Pellegrino, Lorraine B.IndictedState of Arizona
Poprik, Pat
Powdrell, Jewll
Powell, Sidney KatherineUnindicted co-conspiratorUS DOJ
Reilly, Andy
Renner, James ChargedState of Michigan
Rice, Eileen IndictedState of Nevadaoffering a false instrument for filing and uttering a forged instrument
Rodriguez, Mayra ChargedState of Michigan
Roman, Michael A.Unindicted co-conspiratorUS DOJ
Roman, Michael A.IndictedState of Arizona
Roman, Michael A.ChargedState of WisconsinForgery
Rook, Rose ChargedState of Michigan
Ruh, Kelly
Safsten, Greg IndictedState of Arizona
Shafer, David James
Sheridan, Marian ChargedState of Michigan
Smith, Suk
Spindell, Robert F. Jr.
Still, Shawn Micah Tresher
Thompson, Ken ChargedState of Michigan
Townsend Consiglio, Vikki
Travis, Pam
Tripp, Rosie
Troupis, James RobertsChargedState of WisconsinForgery
Trump, Donald JohnUnindicted co-conspiratorState of Arizona
Trump, Donald JohnUnindicted co-conspiratorState of Michigan
Tucker, Calvin
Vanderwood, Kent ChargedState of Michigan
Ward, KelliIndictedState of Arizona
Ward, Michael IndictedState of Arizona
Yadav, C.
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