The table below shows photos of individuals from the Proud Boys march in Washington D.C. on January 6th 2021. Click table headers to sort.

See the summary page for this event here.

File Hashtag Name Photo Riot images Keywords IDed Case status Notes
#MorningPBSprayerSauer, Aaron Donald YArrestedSprays police on western plaza
#LizardoPBLizardo, Kenny Y
#GuitarPBWynne, Patrick Y
#CrewcutNMManzanares, Mario Y
#MonsterMaskPB Seen on upper terrace.
#JamieYoderPBYoder, Jamie Eugene Y
#ImpeachThisPBDavis, George Jeffery Y
#SwimGogglesPBBru, Marc Anthony #SwimGogglesYSentencedPhotographed in two locations inside the capitol.
#IdahoPBDeRijk, Menno Sr. Idaho armbandY
#WeeIrishPBJames, Jason beard macYSeen on western plaza with large number of other Proud Boys about to rush the stairs
#OrangeRWDSPB AZShown on video at western plaza
#FlandersPBSmith, Gregory Hamilton orange AZYShown on video at western plaza
#BeenieGiantMullin, Gregory Kevin II YShown on video at western plaza
#TrackSuitPBKnowles, James Ehren YShown on video at western plaza and inside Capitol
#CommieKiller Shown on video at western plaza
#SkunkApePBGarrett, Troy VincentTeeRoy #GtgPBYArrestedShown on video at western plaza and upper terrace
#TekkPBWihowski, Frank orange AZYShown on video at western plaza
#TheSuitPBFinley, Jeff YSentencedShown on video on the upper terrace with Rehl several others
#GoldilocksPBViss, Justin Cayde beard, AZ, orangeYShown on video at western plaza
#AZBadgePBMarinello, Charles AZ, badge, orangeYShown on video at western plaza
#HorseshoePB orange AZShown on video at western plaza
#SmilesPBWeston, Tucker Andrew YSentencedPhotographed going over the barricades and at the Capitol façade
#KidRedPBMay, Jason D. Y
#USAPBBarcenas, Christopher George tarrioYSeen on east steps of Capitol and also on north stairs west side
#LanyardPBHealion, Brian YGuilty pleaShown on video on the upper terrace with Rehl and several others.
#GreenRangerPB #SmokeyPBSeen near north stairs west side of Capitol
#CowardlyLionPBAdams, Trace #OrangeStripePBYSeen near the stairs north of the western plaza
#GreyHoodRedHatPB #UnoriginalPB
#SumoPBFonticoba, Gilbert #RightHandPBYSentencedSeen inside the capitol building
#GraymoPBSaenz, MichaelDaniel Gonzalez #GraymoPBYShown on video at western plaza. Ex-con, Goes by "Danny" on TikTok
#MunchkinPBHague, Robert tarrioYSeen on north stairs west side of Capitol
#SkullHoodiePB skullPhotographed at western plaza
#SouthwestPB Seen wearing gas mask on western plaza.
#ClockworkAlexPBMcDonald, Trevor YShown on video at western plaza and inside Capitol
#BunyanPB Shown on video at western plaza
#RedwoodPB #RedwoodsPB
#RedwoodShortyPB #RedwoodsGFPB
#BlueHairBooPB #BlueHairPB
#AuntRageFaceRoberson, Avva NicoleNicole YShot the video of Biggs entering the Capitol and took a selfie video in the Rotunda.
#BlackRosePBLaRosa, Tara Y
#StuporHeroPBBoele, Brian 1776YIndictedPhotographed at western plaza and on video in tunnel
#JiuJitsuPB jiujitsuShown on video on outer wall of western plaza
#TaliPBArmstrong, Leon Y
#DopeyPB Shown on video at western plaza
#BuffaloPlaidPB armband, orange
#PierrePBDeRirk, Menno Jr. armband, orangeY
#PrettyBoyPBRice, Bradley Y
#BulgePBTuck, Nathaniel A. YChargedPossibly seen in the Capitol Rotunda.
#SweatsPB #BaldBlue HoodiePB
#TheVestPB #PoserPunkPB
#ToyotaPB armband, orange
#ZZTopPBHaffner, James beardYArrestedShown on video inside Capitol
#NinjaRaphPBGiddings, Isaiah YGuilty pleaShown on video on the upper terrace with Rehl and several others. Photographed with Rehl inside Sen Jeff Merkley's office.
#BiohazardPBDeRijk, Hayes armband, orangeY
#ValhallaPB Photographed at western plaza
#SleepyPB Seen at top of media tower on western plaza
#PapaSmurfPBGrace, Jeffrey YSentencedPhotographed in statuary hall
#YellowSwimGogglesAshlock, Ryan YSentencedShown on video at western plaza
#ViperLadyPBMartin, Shawna #IDPlaidHoodiePBY
#ScarFaceHoodieJones, Michael AlanAdam NC YSeen inside the capitol.
#CoatFlipperFlagGaiter Photographed at western plaza
#LumpyGravyPBAlbert, Timothy YSeen on western plaza
#AZBluePB On video on western plaza
#InfoWarsPBFerrera, Alan Michael 1776YPhotographed near Capitol west entrance
#GreyStripeGaiterPB #Number51PBOn video at upper terrace north side
#TieDyePB tiedyeShown on video at western plaza
#MaroonPBLoehrke, Ronald YArrestedOne of the first to jump the barricades on the western perimieter of the Capitol; later photographed inside the Capitol building with "#RWDSstooge"
#CoachPB Photographed at western plaza
#InfidelPB infidel
#FlagJacketPBHarris, Johnny YSentencedGave television interview inside the Capitol Rotunda
#DiagonalCamoPBSchmitz, Matthew YArrestedShown on video at western plaza and inside capitol
#ColonPBColon, Louis Enrique YGuilty pleaOn video inside the Capitol building.
#UnderTheBlueHoodPBSchultz, Ronald EricPops #MelonHeadPBYArrested
#AZUnlimitedPB On video on western plaza
#AZCampfirePB Photographed at western plaza
#BluePufferPB Photographed on upper terrace
#HazelnutPB #BrownJacket BlueHatPB
#MilkFacePBGuarno, Jason G. YShown on video at western plaza and in photo on upper terrace
#FashionistaPBMcGrew, JoshuaMick Magnus ThreeperY
#OkiePBHobbs, Brett YPhotographed on upper terrace
#TapeRollsPBKuehne, Christopher Charles YSentencedOn video inside the Capitol building.
#ScrappyPBWhorton, Bartholomew Richard YOn video outside Capitol building during riot
#UFPB UFShown on video at western plaza and in photo climbing stairs
#AZLightGreyPB #YetAnother RadioPB
#TreasonEagleScoutBuzzy ThreeperShown on video at western plaza
#SubZeroPB #BlackSki MaskPBSeen inside the barricades on lawn
#KravenHunterPBOverturf, Nicholas #CanePBYPhotographed at western plaza
#StoneColdPB #DieHardPB
#ElitePB Seen in the tunnel on west side
#SnapOnPB SnapOnShown on video at western plaza
#OrangeSkiMaskNorthcross, Michael JohnMichael John Needham Jr. AZ, SkiMask, orangeYShown on video at western plaza
#SecretSquirrelHoel, James AllanJ-Bird YThis man marched with the Proud Boys and was photographed by Buggs Photography at the police line on the western plaza, past multiple barricades. He is also seen in multiple Parler videos taken at the same location. He has been dubbed "#SecretSquirrel" on Twitter due to the logo on his hat, and was often seen in the company of Christopher Worrell who, like him, is a Proud Boy from Florida.
#FannyPackPBVournas, Tom Henry CarharttYArrestedSeen inside the Capitol. Appears to direct chemical spray at police near north stairs on western plaza.
#AquaPB Spotted holding a barricade
#SgtPepperSprayerWorrell, Christopher John YSentencedAlso known by Twitter hashtag "#SgtPepperSprayer". Often seen in the company of fellow Florida Proud Boy #SecretSquirrel. Identified by facial recognition software when compared to a photo taken when he was arrested for impersonating a police officer and harassing a woman.
#GetPumpedPBLashomb, Arthur M. beard, pumpYPhotographed on stair railing above western plaza
#FreedomMomPB #FreeDumbPB
#BigBlackFrizzPB #Frizzy CarharttPBOn video inside the Capitol
#WimpyThor #FuglyHatPBWanted by FBI
#GooberPB Seen at top of media tower on western plaza
#DeppPB #GoofyPBPhotgraphed on upper terrace
#NinjagoPB #FullBlack CoverPB
#FirstFamilyPBReed, Jeffrey David first familyYArrestedShown on video inside Capitol
#TartanPlaidPBJackson, Micajah Joel #YellowGloves OrangeArmbandPBYSentencedShown in video inside Capitol
#SquishyPBSmawley, James Y
#RWDSstoogeKennedy, Nicholas L.Squatch rwdsYConvictedShown on video inside Capitol
#RayBanTerroristFischer, Alan J IIIAJ YArrestedPhotographed near Capitol west entrance
#GrumpyPBRusch, Shannon YShown on video at western plaza
#CamoJerryPBYoung, Geoffrey Y
#BurtonPB #RedChinPBShown on video at western plaza
#FloridaHatPB Shown on Parler video knocking off Milkshake's hat in a scuffle near the stairs at the western plaza.
#GreenDiabloPB #FightClubPB
#BigPunisherPBFellows, Kenneth Allen #PunisherPBY
#BlueBeaniePB #SurgicalMaskPB
#TanParkaPBMiles, Steven YSentencedOn video inside Capitol
#BeadyEyesPB adidas, legendary, whitetail
#ColSandersPB Shown on video at western plaza and inside Capitol building (See 2:29 PM Parler video on timeline).
#BrownSuedeInsider Seen inside the Capitol. #15 on the FBI's Capitol Rioters wanted list
#BashfulPB Photographed at western plaza
#GogglesManJohnson, Zachary David gogglesYSentencedPhotographed near Capitol west entrance
#OrangeTapeDenMotherAllen, Christie #EasterBunnyPBYPhotographed on the upper terrace.
#GreyTropicsPB #TropicalPB
#BlueQPBSmyth, Dylan James #TrumpHoodiePBYPosted to Facebook that "they let us inside."
#YellowHatLadyPB #YellowHatPB
#PavarottiPBBrett, James IV #WazooPBYIndictedAmong the first rioters seen near western plaza
#TeenWolfPBBates, David MitchellMitch YArrestedOn video inside the Capitol
#HorizontalBlackPBTuck, Kevin A. YIndicted
#TheBabysitterKonold, Felicia YSentencedOn video inside the Capitol building with her brother and Billy Chrestman.
#FashProShopJackman, Arthur #FashProShopPBYArrestedPhotographed entering the Capitol and going up the stairs with Biggs
#GoldHelmetPB helmet, goldOn video outside Capitol building during riot
#ChudChadPBRamey, Barry Bennett YSentencedShown on video at western plaza. Appears to use chemical agent against police.
#GreenGhoulGaiterThaxton, Jay Robert YArrestedShown on video at western plaza
#MagpulPBNugent, Travis Wayne carhartt, magpulYShown on video at western plaza
#KamikazePBVy, FreedomFree YArrestedShown on video on the upper terrace with Rehl and several others. Seen twice inside the Capitol
#ThanosPB #QuietGiantPBShown on video at western plaza
#1776HatPBRae, Paul 1776YArrestedShown on video on upper terrace near Biggs and inside the capitol
#TheBratKonold, Cory YSentencedOn video inside the Capitol building with his sister and Billy Chrestman.
#AZSkeletorPB orange AZShown on video at western plaza
#AZStretchPBGoralski, Mark Thomas #GruntStylePBYHusband of #AZKarenPB. Shown on video at western plaza
#EtsPBLeBrun, Matthew YSentencedPhotographed inside Capitol
#BadMarinePBRajewski, Dion marineYArrestedPhotographed with mob fighting Capitol Police and possibly in tunnel
#GoldMaskPB goldPhotographed on stairs over western plaza
#BluePJ pajamas
#AZScubaPBDonovan, William scuba, AZ, orangeYPhotographed at western plaza
#BaldBadFlag Shown on video inside Capitol
#SpacklerPB Shown on video at western plaza
#CokeStrokePB Shown on video at western plaza
#AZKarenPBGoralski, Adrianna Maria orange AZYWife of #AZStretchPB. Shown on video at western plaza.
#BlackLeatherPB #ZippersPBPhotographed on upper terrace
#OrangeLensesPBLobianco, Leonard YArrestedShown on video at western plaza. Photographed inside the Capitol.
#TandelionPB #FullCoveragePBSeen inside the barricades on lawn
#CyclopsPB #MoranisPB
#GreyOldNavyPB #OldNavyPB
#YellowScarfPBAlonso, Fernando YSeen inside the barricades on lawn
#FleshTunnelsPBSantos, Marcos James YOn video outside Capitol building during riot
#BootsPB #BootsMade ForWalking
#GreyBackpackerPB beardShown on video at western plaza
#EarnhardtPB beardSeen at police line on western plaza
#WookiePB #GnomePBShown on video at western plaza
#BruhPBVilla, Eliseo orange AZYSeen on media tower on western plaza
#SuperplaidPBBelena, Christian F. YPhotographed inside the Capitol
#MericaPB #MericaPB
#PintSizePBHomer, Lisa Ann YSentencedShown on video at western plaza and in the capitol crypt.
#GrayUAPBGrace, Jeremy #GrayUAPBYSentencedPhotographed in statuary hall
#DTOMGaiterPB Shown on video at western plaza
#FlagBeaniePB #FlagBeeniePBShown on video at western plaza
#FlatBrimPB #FlagPolePBShown on video at western plaza
#BlueSutherlandPB #BlueHoodiePB
#TheHighRiseSpecialistMolander, Richard YShown on video at western plaza
#GreenBeaniePB #GreenBeeniePBShown on video at western plaza
#GreyBuzzcutPB Photographed on western plaza
#BlackFingerGlovesPB #NinjaPB
#CottonMouthPB #SnowWhitePBPhotographed inside barricades on east side of Capitol
#FesterPBGreene, Matthew YGuilty pleaShown on video at the western plaza (Status Coup time point 0:24:41).
#TagMyFlagsPB#JoeDirtPB Photographed on ledge above western plaza
#ButterfingerPBValentino, Alesandro ArthurAl YSeen on north stairs west side of Capitol
#FashyFreddyMercuryPepe, Will YArrestedWith Dominic Pezzola, the first of two Proud Boys to be indicted for their part in the riot. He was seen marching with the group, was one of the first to arrive at the police line on the western plaza after storming the outer barricades , and was photographed in the rotunda.
#DallasPBDavis, Dallas Y
#PorkpiePBRonayne, Michael Skinhead Mike #SkinheadMikePBY
#SpazzoPezzola, Dominic Spazzo YSentencedProud Boy Pezzola broke a window with a riot shield, allowing himself and others to be among the first into the Capitol building. He was at the front of the group that encountered Officer Goodman.
#PicklesPBPiccirillo, Robert Bobby Pickles YPiccirillo is president of the West Palm Beach Proud Boys and the owner of t-shirt retailer Fat Enzo. He gave an interview in which he admitted being part of the mob that was tear-gassed while clashing with police. He is seen on video at the western steps of the Capitol.
#AxeholeChrestman, William NormanBilly YSentencedChrestman was at the front lines, inciting the mob gathered on the west steps of the Capitol. On video inside the Capitol building.
#WildDogGieswein, Robert Dean Carr YSentencedGieswein was one of the first rioters to enter the building and was at the front of the group confronting Officer Goodman.
#JoeBiggsBiggs, Joseph RandallRambo YSentencedBiggs was the leader of this group and was caught on video as one of the first to enter the Capitol.
#GNotesPBNunez, Genaro YMade a video recording of himself on the western plaza saying, "We’re storming the Capitol." Seen on video outside the capitol building, west side.
#MissingToothMarineShiveley, Barton Wade YSentencedShively is not known as a Proud Boy but he marched with them and rioted with them on the western plaza of the Capitol. The former marine laid his hands on Capitol Police and later turned himself in.
#EddieBlockBlock, Eddie Eddie YBlock livestreamed the group's activity on YouTube for over an hour and a half until just after they had overrun the first set of barricades. He removed the video from his YouTube channel shortly after the riot. He also livestreamed from the western steps of the Capitol from behind police lines on the upper terrace. He claims the legal protections of being a journalist, but also purports to be a high-ranking Proud Boy due to his scuffling with "Antifa"
#RufioNordean, Ethan MichaelRufio Panman YSentencedLed the march from the east to the west side of the Capitol building, was on the front line as the mob faced Capitol Police on the steps, and was photographed extensively inside the building both in the rotunda and in a hallway.
#SpadaroPBSitosky, Joseph RobertJoe Spadaro YSitosky (aka "Joe Spadaro") posted to Facebook about having been in the Capitol and livestreamed from one of the scaffolds on the west lower terrace.
#MoelocoPBSmith, Mark EdwardMoeloco Venice YShown on video at western plaza
#ViperPBBirdsong, Michael Viper YPhotographed on the east steps of the capitol
#YutYutPBDonohoe, Charles YutYut YSentencedDonohoe was seen charging up the upper levels of the Capitol steps as the mob was making their final breakthrough to the building on the west side.
#RevPBHarris, Adam Rev Y
#ZachRehlPBRehl, Zachary YSentencedLeader of the Philadelphia Proud Boys. Rehl was shown on video during the riot masking up near the Capitol facade with several others that had marched with the Proud Boys earlier that day, then photographed by Luke Mogelson inside Sen. Merkley's office with at least two of those marchers (photo).
#RemyPBDelatorre, Edgar J.Remy del Toro, Edgar Gonzalez Y
#MichaelPorterPBPorter, Mike WaywardBased Hippie YPorter was photographed and filmed in the riot on the western plaza. Afterward, he posted a video to Facebook saying "Next time we come armed."
#MilkshakePBScott, Daniel LyonsMilkshake YSentencedScott blurted out "Take the fucking Capitol!" as the group was gathered on the grounds and was reprimanded for it. He was seen clashing with police at the very front of the charge up the upper levels of the Capitol steps as the mob was making their final breakthrough to the building on the west side. The incident was captured from at least two angles on video and in still photos.
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