Herzog, Stanley M

Herzog Companies
Full name (Latin characters)Herzog, Stanley
Family/Last name(s)Herzog
Given/First name Stanley
Middle name(s)M
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Additional data from LittleSis.org

{"id": 178028, "type": "entities", "links": {"self": "https://littlesis.org/entities/178028-Stanley_Herzog"}, "attributes": {"id": 178028, "name": "Stanley Herzog", "blurb": "Herzog Companies", "types": ["Person", "Business Person"], "aliases": ["Stanley Herzog"], "summary": "Herzog is the leader of the St. Joseph-based Herzog Cos. Inc., which includes subsidiaries that build highways and railroads. The company donates to Republican candidates and political-action committees. Herzog also donated $1 million to Restore Our Future,a politcal action committee created to support Mitt Romney in the 2012 presidential election, and has donated more than $2 million to political candidates.", "website": null, "end_date": null, "parent_id": null, "extensions": {"Person": {"party_id": null, "gender_id": 2, "name_last": "Herzog", "name_nick": null, "net_worth": null, "birthplace": null, "name_first": "Stanley", "name_maiden": null, "name_middle": "M", "name_prefix": null, "name_suffix": null, "nationality": [], "is_independent": null}, "BusinessPerson": {"sec_cik": null}}, "start_date": null, "updated_at": "2018-09-11T21:41:50Z", "primary_ext": "Person"}}

Related Party Description Detail Start End Count Sum Currency
linkStanley Herzog gave money to Trump Victory Campaign Contribution2016-10-062016-10-061100000usd
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