Shoen, Mark V

Largest individual shareholder in do-it-yourself moving company U-Haul
Full name (Latin characters)Shoen, Mark
Family/Last name(s)Shoen
Given/First name Mark
Middle name(s)V
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{"id": 11438, "type": "entities", "links": {"self": ""}, "attributes": {"id": 11438, "name": "Mark V Shoen", "blurb": "Largest individual shareholder in do-it-yourself moving company U-Haul ", "types": ["Person", "Business Person"], "aliases": ["Mark V Shoen"], "summary": "Mark Shoen is the largest individual shareholder in do-it-yourself moving company U-Haul, as well as owner of one of the largest private self-storage operations in the U.S. U-Haul, now publicly traded under the corporate name Amerco, was founded by his parents Leonard and Anna Mary Shoen in 1945. But Mark, along with brothers Joe and James, orchestrated a boardroom coup and took over the company in the late 1980s, ushering in more than two decades of family infighting and lawsuits. Their father Leonard committed suicide in 1999. The family reached an out-of-court settlement to one of its disputes in 2012. \r\n\r\nMark Shoen also retired that year after 40 years working at U-Haul, serving as president from 1994 to 2007. In addition to his stake in Amerco, which is worth more than $1 billion, Shoen owns more than 400 self-storage properties across the country, which he pays U-Haul to manage.", "website": null, "end_date": null, "parent_id": null, "extensions": {"Person": {"party_id": null, "gender_id": 2, "name_last": "Shoen", "name_nick": null, "net_worth": null, "birthplace": null, "name_first": "Mark", "name_maiden": null, "name_middle": "V", "name_prefix": null, "name_suffix": null, "nationality": [], "is_independent": null}, "BusinessPerson": {"sec_cik": 1134431}}, "start_date": null, "updated_at": "2018-06-26T22:40:45Z", "primary_ext": "Person"}}

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