Shami, Farouk

Founded hair-care and spa products company, Farouk Systems in 2009
Full name (Latin characters)Shami, Farouk
Family/Last name(s)Shami
Given/First name Farouk
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{"id": 359669, "type": "entities", "links": {"self": ""}, "attributes": {"id": 359669, "name": "Farouk Shami", "blurb": "Founded hair-care and spa products company, Farouk Systems in 2009", "types": ["Person", "Business Person"], "aliases": ["Farouk Shami"], "summary": "Dr. Farouk Shami came to America over 50 years ago. Growing up in Palestine, he learned the importance of peace in the world and how he wanted to make a difference. He arrived in America with only $71 dollars in his pocket as a student, however he entered cosmetology school and secured his license as a hairdresser. It was here that he began to utilize his profession as a platform to bring people together and create environmentally conscious and safer hair care products and hair color. \r\n\r\nAfter forming his own company with his best friend and business partner, John McCall, Farouk Systems, Inc. became the makers of BioSilk® and CHI® in 1986. He has attained 25 patents and distributes his products world-wide. Dr. Farouk Shami has helped to build schools for education and manufacturing plants in the Middle East to help those in need of a career or simply a job. Here in the United States, his company has over 500 CHI® Partner Schools to help educate students in the field of cosmetology and employs over 2000 people. He stands as a leader in protecting the environment, holding true to strong ethics and devoting his time to the betterment of mankind and the world.\r\n\r\nIn addition to his humanitarian efforts, he serves on the board for many organizations and is a frequent speaker on leadership at Harvard University. His many awards include: The Palestinian Diaspora Award, The International Salon/Spa Business Network (ISBN) Legend Award, Apollo Green Award, Beautymaker Award (BMA) & BMA's First World Humanitarian, Arab American Businessman of the Year, 2003 Ameristar Award, 2018 Outstanding Arab American Philanthropist Award to name a few.\r\n", "website": null, "end_date": null, "parent_id": null, "extensions": {"Person": {"party_id": null, "gender_id": 2, "name_last": "Shami", "name_nick": null, "net_worth": null, "birthplace": "Palestine ", "name_first": "Farouk", "name_maiden": null, "name_middle": null, "name_prefix": null, "name_suffix": null, "nationality": [], "is_independent": null}, "BusinessPerson": {"sec_cik": null}}, "start_date": null, "updated_at": "2019-11-27T15:37:49Z", "primary_ext": "Person"}}

Related Party Description Detail Start End Count Sum Currency
linkFarouk Shami gave money to Trump Victory Campaign Contribution2016-08-112017-06-092125000usd
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