Bosch Avila, Orlando (deceased)

Terrorist pardoned by president George H. W. Bush
Full name (Latin characters)Bosch Avila, Orlando
Family/Last name(s)Bosch Avila
Given/First name Orlando
Middle name(s)
Twitter hashtag

Categories/Group affiliations :

ID Group Name (Parent Org) Role
CoordinaciĆ³n de Organizaciones Revolucionarias Unidas (CORU) Anti-Castro Cuban exiles in the United States head
Anti-Castro Cuban exiles in the United States

Additional data from

{"id": 73775, "type": "entities", "links": {"self": ""}, "attributes": {"id": 73775, "name": "Orlando Bosch", "blurb": "Terrorist pardoned by president George H. W. Bush", "types": ["Person"], "aliases": ["Orlando Bosch", "Orlando Bosch Avila", "Carlos Luis Panimiagua", "Emilio Davanzo Cintolecy", "Pedro Pena"], "summary": null, "website": null, "end_date": "2011-04-27", "parent_id": null, "extensions": {"Person": {"party_id": null, "gender_id": 2, "name_last": "Bosch-Avila", "name_nick": null, "net_worth": null, "birthplace": "Potrerillo, Cuba", "name_first": "Orlando", "name_maiden": null, "name_middle": null, "name_prefix": null, "name_suffix": null, "nationality": [], "is_independent": null}}, "start_date": "1926-08-18", "updated_at": "2013-05-05T16:09:59Z", "primary_ext": "Person"}}

Related Party Description Detail Start End Count Sum Currency
linkOrlando Bosch had a position (member) at Operation 40 membernullnullnullnullnull
linkOrlando Bosch and Fidel Alejandro Castro were friendsfriendnullnullnullnullnull
linkLuis Posada Carriles and Orlando Bosch are/were fellow conspirator, one-time cellmatesfellow conspirator, one-time cellmatenullnullnullnullnull
Click Me Description Partner ID Partner Link

Case history:

ID Incident Jurisdiction Case Status Charges Arrest date
Assassination of Orlando Letelier
Bombing of Cubana de AviaciĆ³n Flight 455 Acquitted

No records to show.


File Photo Name Connection Detail
Castro, Fidel Orlando Bosch and Fidel Alejandro Castro were friends friend
Posada Carriles, Luis Luis Posada Carriles and Orlando Bosch are/were fellow conspirator, one-time cellmates fellow conspirator, one-time cellmate

No records to show.

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