
Media ID2083
Start Time2021-01-06 15:10:02
Duration (seconds)25
Location65, West Terraces and Steps, Washington, District of Columbia, 20540, United States
SourceParler (
User IDHunterrob
CaptionThey are trying to steal the thunder from the patriots. Think about this...I have a little insider information. It was not Antifa! Everyone involved were patriots. There had to be a visible picture of the people taking over the Capitol . The leaders were military dressedas civilians. Some of the DC police were also involved to help the patriots take the Capitol ! Don't spread this word too much. Just say everyone we're freedom loving patriots that love our country so much they took matters into their own hands. We are going to win this war. I have no doubt in my mind. All the swamp were cowering scaredy cats. Don't you think it's strange they killed someone that was military? We will never give up. We will fight this WAR. This is the moment. Wake up America and fight! #maga
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