VBghostpatriot (Parler)

Username VBghostpatriot
Display nameVBcarl
IdentityKendrick, Carl

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2021-01-06 10:40:01The media WONT talk about the fact the 500,000 plus patriots showed up from all ver the country for a peaceful protest because we are pissed off at the largest theft in world history taking place in front of our very own eyes. I met people from CA, TX, FLA, IN, GA, NJ, NY, CT, PA, OH, TN. KY, IA, AK, AZ, NV, wVa, and MI And more
2021-01-06 15:02:02Video before we made out closer to the building - as you can see it’s early- it’s PEACEFUL
2021-01-06 16:26:02The Mayor of DC antagonized the 500,000 Trump patriots before we arrived, and continued to do so. the capitol police instigated the violnece on the side of the capitol I was on - where we only stood there singing god bless America, the national anthem, and other sons..

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